Note: the laws took down this post initially because of the downloadable file of music that I don't own, and I'd rather not have it happen again. So if I were you, I would peep the comment section, and hopefully this post (& blog, for that matter) is here when I wake up tomorrow morning. So shhhh, don't tell nobody.the laws won.
My boy Craighead says I wont listen to any music I don't find for myself, and perhaps his belief has some merit; but it's also why you're reading my blog, and not the other way around. You might find that last statement conceited, but find me a blogger who doesn't have an ego, and I'll show you a person who has no business writing on the Internets. Plus, y'all muhfuckas should be thanking your boy for slaving over the proverbial stove, in an effort to serve you fiends some audio crack.
On the other side of the jump, you'll find a
zip file very informative comments section and track listing for the less fortunate of the new music community. I'm like the mother fucking internet Robin Hood, only a mother fucker didn't fight in no holy war. Anyways, in the previously mentioned
file comment, you'll find a collection of tracks that I've had on constant rotation as of late. Some are old, some are new, some I don't know when they dropped, but they are all one thing for certain: HEAT ROCKS.
Craighead thinks I'm pretentious, but at least I don't wear dead animals on my head. |
Now hit the jump for that cookup!
Read more »Labels: dat new new, grimey, Gully, hip.hop, LaGreezy, THAT GO