For this week's AOTW I’ll be taking a look at some cats from OFWGKTA, which stands for Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All, who are some kids coming straight out of the LA area. This crew of skateboarding ruffians are probably one of the rawest collective of rappers that I've heard of in a long while. These guys have lots of talent and can sound like Three 6 Mafia (because of the topics they cover) on one track or have a crazy DOOM like flow (albeit WAY more coherent) on another track. Thee are of 5-6 guys talented guys in the group that do everything: rapping, producing, skateboarding, art, and general mayhem, but the two stand out members of the crew have to be Earl Sweatshirt and Tyler the Creator. Tyler the Creator sounds like he smokes 30 packs a day while staying up all night producing chopped and screwed dystopian beats and Earl is just smooth when he spits bars and is a great counter to Tyler's gritty delivery. These dudes are just straight up gully. Don't believe me? Just take a look at this video of Earl Sweatshirt's video for the single “Earl”.
So why am I so hyped up on these kids, besides the fact that they're hella talented? It's cause most of these guys aren't even legal to drink yet. That's right these kids are all 20 and under and they're already making shit like this? Just imagine how crazy and off the wall their shit will be in the future, in sports speak you would say that these guys have a very high ceiling
Here's a side story that makes these guys even more interesting, but I'm not sure what the back story behind this one is because if you listen to a couple their tracks you can hear them call out and diss 2dopeboyz multiple times; it seems their hatred of 2dopeboyz is almost on par with their hatred for Steve Harvey, which is another mystery to me. All I know is that these cats have been blacklisted for some reason by the popular hip-hop blog despite the fact that they've probably released 5-7 mixtape/albums that have been miles ahead of a lot of the trash that they post over there. In this day and age where exposure to potential fans occurs through digital mediums, this could seem like a major setback to many up-and-comers, but these guys just don't give a fuck.
So a recap on why you shouldn't sleep on these guys: They're gully as hell, they're young gunners with lots of potential, they're releases are pretty good, and they just don't give a fuck. Check out their blog and twitter to learn more about these dudes. or read this interview. So now that I've dropped knowledge, it's time for you to download music.
Track Listing
1) AssMilk – Tyler the Creator ft Earl Sweatshirt
Tyler and Earl playing off each other at it's best
2)Pigions – Earl Sweatshirt ft Wolf Haley
3) VCR/Wheels – Tyler the Creator
Tyler goes in on some "RnB" stuff.
4) Orange Juice – Earl Wolf
Earl and Tyler go over Lemonade, listen to the end for a huge "shout out" to the 2dopeboyz
5) Splatter – Tyler the Creator
This Tyler at his grittiness, this track is pure homicidal murder you type shit.
6) Rolling Papers – Domo Genesis ft Wolf Haley
7) epaR – Earl Sweatshirt ft Vince Staples
8) Double Cheeseburger – Domo Genesis and Wolf Haley
You can grab these songs in a convenient zip file provided here or here.
hating on 2dopeboyz is always good in my book too. how are excited are you for earlwolf
Nice blog dude. Cool article on Odd Future. I'm a blogger in the UK, check it out here.
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