Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Late Slummer Shlumpers.

LaGreezy prays all your pain be champagne, but if it's not, you can always alleviate it with Hennessey.
Once again, September is lingering around the proverbial corner, or happening tomorrow (if you'd prefer not to be a dickface about it). I would surmise that the majority of of our readership is close to wrapping up year one of their post collegiate life, about to really embark on it, or gearing up for another school year. With the end of September marking the beginning of the end of my college career, I have just one quarter at the illustrious University of Oregon left, and will be an Alumnus this December, I fall somewhere in between the last two groups.
In preparation for my last term as a student, I have done some soul searching, and decided that in between now and, say, September 23rd I need to have my moral compass pointed directly south. I'm trying to prepare myself to do some repugnant shit. I'm talking some getting-chopped-by-fat-bitches-in-the-bushes-behind-the-library type gully. You know, the shit some of your homeboys do just so y'all can sit around the living room the next day and laugh about it. Basically the shit that makes legends out of mere men. Kind of like the time...well, never mind. Of course there is also the chance that this paragraph is just pure hyperbole (my money's on that), because you know I'm a self-conscious mother fucker.

Hit the jump to get the free music and tracklisting (what you came for) and to keep reading (what you're stuck with).
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Monday, August 15, 2011

Why Superhero Movies Are Hit & Miss

Only Magneto could have kept Hopkins away from his computer for this long.

This summer has been devoid of surefire blockbusters at the box office, but we've been served the perfect case study for why superhero/comic movies are so hit and miss, that is the two cinematic tales of X-Men: The First Class and, about a month later, Captain America.

If you're like me, then when the trap gets hot in months six through eight you park your swass (swampy ass) right where it gets the most love, in the goddamn air conditioned movie theater. Now before you start calling me an elitist and say, "Hey man, what the fuck you fucking pompous asshole, I don't have $10 to throw down on a ticket, not to mention the popcorn that costs a fortune, plus a few shitty Twizzlers priced at about $8.50 each," my girlfriend has coupons that her mother gave me so I usually go for free.

Anyway, back to the point of this post: after the jump are the three reasons why this year's X-Men killed and the Captain was dead in the water by the end, all indicative of the larger superhero genre's success and failures.
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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why Ferrari Boyz is (iz?) More Fun than Watch The Throne.

LaGreezy reps Bric Squad. Not to be confused with Brick Squad.

In case you weren't aware, Watch the Throne wasn't the only one-two punch combo project to drop this week. Waka Flocka Flame and Gucci Mane dropped their highly anticipated Ferrari Boyz project the same day as WTT, leading people everywhere to triple up Styrofoam cups, and the inevitable comparison of the projects by bloggers everywhere; enter LaGreezy.
I'm sure as recently as a year or two ago, I would be vehemently disagreeing with the notion of this post, wondering "how could anybody rather listen to a  Gucci-Waka Collab over, you know, the God MC and the Louis Vuitton Don?" Well, younger self, prepared to be schooled, in no particular order, after the jump:

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Watch the Throne Drops, Bloggers Jizz Themselves.

At this point in time, it evidently takes something monumental to warrant a blog post from the still.grimey set; I would surmise that Jay-Z and Kanye West making an entire album together would qualify for said adjective. As an overall review of the album, I really fucking like it, despite the fact that some of my internet peers (yeah, I'm looking at you WULU) don't really like Watch The Throne because of some weird rhetoric they've established for listening to rap musics (you can see his take on shit here and here). Given Hov and Yeezy's inclination to compare themselves to Michael Jordan, it's not surprising that the album itself has striking similarities to Jordan's Hall of Fame induction speech. There's really no argument that these guys are the best in their respective categories, MJ on the hardwood, Jay in the booth (my still.grimey co-conspirators/ Nas Stans are up in arms "He's not the best, FUCK YOU GREEZY!"...fuck y'all, though), and well I think we can all acknowledge that Yeezy is on some next level shit right now, especially from a behind the boards aspect. However, it seems that they are all seemingly jaded about something still, like it's not enough to be openly acknowledged as the greatest,  that they still feel like they have to shit on their competition. I'm not complaining though, I love me some brazen asshole-ery.

It's so much fun being so rich!

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