BLOCKwork: FickNish

left to right: FickNish & yung.geezy of still.grimey pregaming the 2010 Rose Bowl.
Hit the jump to keep reading and peep a recent video made by Fisher and the homie Kevin Hasenkopf, featuring an interview from your boy:
Ever since I started kicking it with Fisher, I noticed he was always working on something. Every time I'd hit him up over the summer it'd be: "I'm just trying to get this flash shit done for my website," or "Bric! Come over! We're silk screening!" or "Let's brew beer!". Lately it's been more of the "I've gotta to the studio and make molds (for slip casting)" or "Kev and I have gotta grind on the video." or "Let's smoke a blunt!", but what I'm getting at is dude is on his grizzly, at least 75% of the time anyway.
His website,, is the most comprehensive website that any of my boys have up right now. And what's more, Fisher designed the entire thing himself, which I give major props for, because you know my lazy ass is not about to design a website. But FickNish is an all inclusive deal. It's home page is a blog, which Fish updates far more than I update this still.grimey thing. In addition to the blog, there is a rather impressive portfolio section, as well as a store, which further showcases Nick's projects. In addition, Fisher has taken a rather interesting approach to his resume in the about section of his site, a DIY approach if you will (click here to check it).
His most recent project was a full blown website for his Journalism 333 class at the University of Oregon. You can check it out here (click) and below is the featured video:
Beyond the online projects, Fisher in real life is a pretty solid individual. Every Monday night I have the privilege of sitting down for a meal, typically at Cornucopia, with Fisher and Brian Jacobson of Summer Time Block Talk (see BLOCKwork: Summer Time Block Talk). The meals usually run about 2 hours in their entirety, and are about as long winded as this blog post, but I like to think of them as our own weekly Socratic seminars. But the two of them usually drop mad knowledge on me, and I'd like to think that I reciprocate. Not too mention knowing those two cats has exponentially improved my kitchen game.
In closing, I'd like to make the recommendation that when you get online to do your daily blog read of still.grimey and whatever other websites you check ritually (presumptuous, I know), that you stay up on the FickNish side of things. Drop some knowledge Fish.
Labels: BLOCKwork, Family, g.e.e.z.y.
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