BLOCKwork: The Friends of still.grimey
I know what you're thinking. Last time I tried to get down with a series of blog posts (see the Nine for Nine series from the end of 2009) I failed miserably, only actually doing a third of them. What can I say? I was more into blowing dro, drinking IPAs, and watching basketball over winter break. But I digress.
So now that we've discussed my lack of follow through, I'd like to hit you with the first installment (of hopefully many) of BLOCKwork: The Friends of still.grimey:
This weeks installment introduces you to my boy straight outta Detroit, Stephen Varady(click his name to peep his game). A dude who many people in Eugene, though homie is now posted in Portland attending the University of Oregon's architecture satellite campus, have affectionately come to know as Steezy Stephen.

"If thuggin' is a term, fuck it I'm it then."
Hit the jump to continue reading
If you didn't already click the link posted pre-jump, I highly recommend you click here. Stephen just dropped his harder-better-faster-stronger website for your eyes to enjoy. Once you peep game, you'll see that dude is not fucking with false advertisement when he calls himself an aesthetician (I mean, his name is Steezy Stephen). Regardless of what FickNish's hater ass has to say, Steezen's website is incredibly enjoyable to look at. And his portfolio, well I don't really think I could do it justice with words, so you should just check it out yourself. But I will say this: Eat your fucking hearts out other architecture students.
But beyond just having an ill website, Stephen is a pretty solid cat who I have been privileged to meet in my short tenure at the UO. I met dude for the first time last year and essentially forged a friendship over a discussion about all things that are good (no bromo); you know, like Neil Young, the Wu-Tang Clan, Trap Rap, and being tall gawky steeze balls (I hope Stephen isn't offended that I called him gawky). Since then, we've politic'd over several blunts and brews. With the conversation almost always reverting back to the rap game and what is currently in our rotations. It typically starts to dissipate right around the time that I'm marinated enough to be conversating in ad libs and Young Jeezy lyrics, and all out gullyness tends to take place wherever we're mashing at.
Don't let the man's party scenario fool you though. He's on his academic grizzly. Don't believe me? Then peep his resume on his website. And fuck it, while you're at it, you might as well get familiar with dudes work, because something tells me you'll be hearing Stephen Varady's name in the future. Though I'm sure he'll be the first to tell you who he's not.
So now that we've discussed my lack of follow through, I'd like to hit you with the first installment (of hopefully many) of BLOCKwork: The Friends of still.grimey:
This weeks installment introduces you to my boy straight outta Detroit, Stephen Varady(click his name to peep his game). A dude who many people in Eugene, though homie is now posted in Portland attending the University of Oregon's architecture satellite campus, have affectionately come to know as Steezy Stephen.

"If thuggin' is a term, fuck it I'm it then."
Hit the jump to continue reading
If you didn't already click the link posted pre-jump, I highly recommend you click here. Stephen just dropped his harder-better-faster-stronger website for your eyes to enjoy. Once you peep game, you'll see that dude is not fucking with false advertisement when he calls himself an aesthetician (I mean, his name is Steezy Stephen). Regardless of what FickNish's hater ass has to say, Steezen's website is incredibly enjoyable to look at. And his portfolio, well I don't really think I could do it justice with words, so you should just check it out yourself. But I will say this: Eat your fucking hearts out other architecture students.
But beyond just having an ill website, Stephen is a pretty solid cat who I have been privileged to meet in my short tenure at the UO. I met dude for the first time last year and essentially forged a friendship over a discussion about all things that are good (no bromo); you know, like Neil Young, the Wu-Tang Clan, Trap Rap, and being tall gawky steeze balls (I hope Stephen isn't offended that I called him gawky). Since then, we've politic'd over several blunts and brews. With the conversation almost always reverting back to the rap game and what is currently in our rotations. It typically starts to dissipate right around the time that I'm marinated enough to be conversating in ad libs and Young Jeezy lyrics, and all out gullyness tends to take place wherever we're mashing at.
Don't let the man's party scenario fool you though. He's on his academic grizzly. Don't believe me? Then peep his resume on his website. And fuck it, while you're at it, you might as well get familiar with dudes work, because something tells me you'll be hearing Stephen Varady's name in the future. Though I'm sure he'll be the first to tell you who he's not.
Labels: BLOCKwork, dat new new, g.e.e.z.y., steeze
i aint hating. just critiquing. harshly.
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