LaGreezy spent four seasons at the four seasons twice |
Let's get this out of the way quickly for those of you who ain't know: your mans is a tax accountant by trade. Well, in all reality, I'm a bit of an asshole by trade, but my LinkedIn page says I'm a senior tax associate, and as we all know everything you read on the internet is true. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make here is that, as you probably ascertained, some aspects of my day-to-day professional life contain a fair dosage of mundanity.
Based on previous employment positions I've had, as well as all the times I've stopped listening to my friends complain about something at their job, I'd be willing to bet this is a pretty common plight in the human experience. Everybody tends to have a coping strategy for dealing with the mundane. I typically listen to podcasts or books on tape to slog through the shit end of my workload. Some people smoke weed to deal with it (note: if you do this you are fucking insane- even the
idea of doing taxes while stoned gives me so much anxiety that I want to peel my skin off with a cheese grater and hurl my body out of a moving car).
I digress. As of late, there's been a section of my
soundcloud page that I keep coming back to. Not to necessarily combat the banality of certain tasks, but to rather compliment it - perhaps even bask in it. So I just said fuck it, I should share this with the homies, and maybe use it as an excuse to make internet again.
[Please hit di jump for the playlist and continued musings:]
Read more »Labels: Chief Keef, dvsn, Friends of Friends, Jordan Raf, KeithCharlesSPACEBAR, Kent Jones, Kevin Gates, kyson, Lil Yachty, POW Recordings, WSTRN